Missing Whitings
These days, now we have the luxury of being able to use the internet for genealogy research, you'd think most ancestors would at least get their birth and death dates identified. However, sometimes you hit a brick-wall in your research that even a trip to the local record office or National Archives can't help you get over.
Below is a roll-call of all of those Whitings who, despite my best efforts, are stubbornly refusing to be tracked down.
If you know more about what happened to any of them, please get in touch and I'll give you a special mention on their page.
Ann Piper c.1830-? No death date. Last seen as the wife of Jabez Whiting - also missing. Did they have children?
Caroline Whiting 1846-? Last seen at age 15 living with family in Burton End and working as a cotton winder. No record of marriage or death.
Eliza Whiting 1848-? Last seen living with son in London on the 1901 census.
Emily Whiting 1839-? Last seen living as a scholar with her grandparents on the 1851 census.
Frances Whiting 1870-? Married George Phillips in Bethnal Green in 1886, the couple separated. Frances last seen in 1936 living with her sister.
Hannah Whiting 1827-? Did she marry John Nunn in 1870 in London? She is seen with him on the 1871 census but her age doesn't match.
Henry Whiting 1850-? Last seen on the 1861 census living with a relative and working as a labourer. Did he marry? When did he die?
Jabez Whiting 1829-? Miscreant Marine who survives hard-labour in Jail, sails halfway round the world, then vanishes on discharge.
James Whiting c.1815-? Serial felon, sentenced to transportation but pardoned in 1847. Unclear what happened to him after this. Was he the same James Whiting who appeared in Risbridge Union House on the 1841 census?
John Jabez Whiting 1849-? Living with his grandparents Joseph and Rebecca on the 1851 census, it seems he was the illegitimate son of their daughter Sarah Whiting, who married Thomas Nunn. No death record, or further trace of him found.
Joseph Whiting 1844-? Married in 1866 and ran the Greyhound pub in Haverhill. Vanishes around 1870. Rumoured to have ended up in Australia..
Joseph Whiting c.1786-1844 One of the 'fab four' from whom all Whitings on the 1841 census are descended. The six million dollar question: Who was his father?
Phoebe Whiting 1844-? Birth certificate shows she was the daughter of Joseph Whiting and Rebecca Cole, but no appearance on the 1851 census, and no death entry. What's the story here?
Richard Whiting 1838-? Vanishes after the 1851 census. Is he the Richard Whiting who married in London and was supposedly a Grenadier Guardsman?
Samuel Whiting 1861-? If someone doesn't want to be found, what can you do? Last spotted stealing turkeys under a pseudonym.
Stephen Arthur Whiting 1867-1906 On the 1881 census with uncle's family in Romford, then vanishes for two censuses, dies in London. Where did he go?
Thomas Whiting 1816-? Emmigrated to Australia in 1852. Unsure when he died or if he had children over there.
William Whiting c.1782-1866 A lynchpin of Whiting genealogy to whom many on this site owe their origins. I have a hunch about his father, but need more!