Henry Whiting 1825-1900
Parents: David Whiting and Sarah Ragg (1)
Born: 7th January 1825 in Burton End, Haverhill. (1)
Baptised: 14th March 1825 at St Mary's Parish Church, Haverhill. (1)
Married: Mary Scott, spinster of Burton End, Haverhill, daughter of John Scott, labourer, on 14th November 1847 at St Mary's Parish Church, Haverhill. Witnessed by Benjamin and Ann Cowle.(2,3)
Children: George Scott Whiting b.1847, Ephraim Whiting b.1849, Caroline Whiting b.1851, Thomas Whiting b.1853, Alfred Whiting b.1855, Henry Whiting b.1857, Walter Whiting b.1858, Joseph Whiting b.1861, Sarah Ann Whiting b.1862, Eliza Whiting b.1866, Jesse Whiting b.1868 (died in infancy) and William Whiting b.1870
Died: 3rd October 1900 at 78 Primrose Hill in Haverhill. Buried on 9th October 1900 at Haverhill Cemetery.(4,5)
Bio: Henry was born and grew up in Burton End, Haverhill. He first appears on the 1841 census living with his parents and siblings. On the 1851 census he is living in Burton End with his wife Mary and their two sons, George and Ephraim. He is working as a labourer. By the census of 1861 Henry and his wife now have eight children: George, Ephraim, Caroline, Thomas, Alfred, Henry, Walter and Joseph who are all living together in Burton End.
When Mary's mother died, her father John Scott moved in with his daughter and son-in-law which is where we find him on the 1871 census living in Burton End with Henry, Mary and children Thomas, Alfred, Henry, Walter, Sarah Ann, Eliza and William. Henry is still working as an agricultural labourer.
By 1881 things are a little less crowded for Henry and Mary. The census for this year shows that only Sarah Ann, Eliza and William remain living with their parents in Burton End. They also have a boarder, Robert Boreham, who is a groom. Later that year he will marry Sarah Ann. Rose Whiting, the 9 month old grand-daughter of Henry and Mary is also listed. She is the daughter of Robert and Sarah Ann, born out of wedlock.
The last census Henry appears on is in 1891. He is now living at 78 Primrose Hill, close to Burton End, with wife Mary, son William, daughter Eliza and her husband George Basham. He still works as a labourer.
Henry (also known sometimes as Harry) was to die on Wednesday 3rd October 1900 having sired a grand total of twelve children. The Ipswich Journal of Saturday, 13th October 1900 reported 'Harry Whiting, aged 75, fell down his cellar stairs at Haverhill and fractured his skull. Death ensued soon afterwards.'(6) He was buried at Haverhill Cemetery. The Suffolk and Essex Free Press of Wednesday, 10th October 1900 reported a fuller account of what happened, and there was obviously an inquest.
"Fatal Accident at Haverhill. An inquest was held at the Police Court, Haverhill, on Saturday, before Mr H.H.Wilson, Coroner for the Liberty of Bury St Edmund's, relative to the death of Harry Whiting, who fell down a cellar the previous Wednesday, and was killed.
Mrs Whiting, widow of the deceased, stated that she left her husband, who was 75 years of age, on the couch whilst she went out to take the tea to her grandson, and on returning after about half-an-hour, she found that her husband had fallen down the cellar. She thought that he was going after some coal.
Mrs Eliza Basham, daughter of the deceased, said when she returned home from the factory, she immediately went for the lamp, and while in the act of lighting it she heard a noise, and on searching found her father lying at the bottom of the cellar stairs. He was in the habit of fetching coal from the cellar, and had been subject to giddiness some time.
Thos. Argent gave evidence of going to deceased's assistance, and with the help of others brought him up from the cellar. Dr H.J.Hargrave, on being called in, stated he found the deceased lying on his back in the living room, his head supported by a cushion: he was unconscious and rapidly dying from the shock caused by fracture of the base of the skull. Nothing could be done for him. The Coroner summed up the evidence , and the Jury found a verdict of 'Accidental death'."(7)
(1) Suffolk Records Office, Bury St Edmunds, Parish Registers of St Mary's Church, Haverhill. Fiche 578/4/p8 of 37
(2) Marriage Register. 4th Quarter 1847, Risbridge District, Volume 12 Page 810
(3) Suffolk Records Office, Bury St Edmunds, Parish Registers of St Mary's Church, Haverhill. Fiche 578/4/p23 of 37
(4) Death Register. 4th Quarter 1900, Risbridge District, Volume 4a Page 435
(5) Haverhill Cemetery, Ref.2654. http://www.haverhill-uk.com/pages/burial-records-137.htm
(6) The Ipswich Journal, Saturday 13th October 1900, British Newspaper 1800-1900, The British Library.
(7) The Suffolk and Essex Free Press, 10th October 1900, Findmypast.co.uk