Lydia Elizabeth Whiting b.1839-1920
Parents: Susannah Whiting, father unknown. (1,2)
Born: 18th May 1839 in Burton End, Haverhill.(1,2)
Baptised: 30th April 1843 at St Mary's Parish Church, Haverhill (1,2)
Married: Thomas Jobson, bachelor, labourer, of Puddle brook, Haverhill, son of Edward Jobson, weaver, on 26th July 1857 at St Mary's Parish Church, Haverhill. Witnessed by George and Maria Jobson.(3,4)
Children: Frederick Jobson b.1859, Alice Jobson b.1866(7), Frank Jobson b.1869(8), Albert Jobson b.1872(9), Kate Jobson b.1874(10) and Susannah Jobson b.1877(11)
Died: August 1920 in Haverhill. Buried on 14th August 1920 at Haverhill Cemetery. (5,6)
Bio: Lydia Elizabeth Whiting was born in Burton End, Haverhill. She was a 'base-born' (illegitimate) child.
On the 1841 census she is living with her mother Susannah and her grandparents Joseph and Sarah Whiting in Burton End where she remained as a child until her mother married Edward Ship in 1845. Lydia appears on the 1851 census as Lydia Ship, living in Haverhill high street with her mother and step-father Edward Ship. She is working as a silk-winder at this time. In 1857 Lydia married Thomas Jobson, (obviously known by the family as he is a visitor of Lydia's cousin Harriet on the 1851 census) and on the 1861 census they are living together in Burton End, Haverhill. For some reason, Thomas is down as 'James' Jobson. It is almost certainly just a clerical error as their son Frederick is present and all other details are correct including Lydia's age.
By the 1871 census, still in Burton End, the Jobsons have moved back in with Lydia's mother and stepfather. They now have two more children, Alice and Frank. Thomas is working as a farm labourer.
Moving to Lower Puddlebrook, Haverhill, they appear here on the 1881 census. Lydia and Thomas have four children living with them, whilst Lydia's eldest children Frederick and Alice are now living with their grandmother.
The 1891 census finds Lydia and Thomas at 26 Upper Puddlebrook, Haverhill, living with Alice, Albert, Kate, Susannah and Frederick Jobson, 3. This last child is listed as Lydia's son, but as she would have been about 50 at the time of his birth and her firstborn was called Frederick perhaps he belongs to Alice instead.
Living with them as a lodger is Mark Ship, who was a relation of Lydia's stepfather.
In 1901, Lydia is back where it all began in Burton End. She is living at 154 Burton End with Thomas and their now adult children Albert, Kate and Susannah.
Thomas Jobson was to die in March 1909. On the 1911 census, Lydia is living at 148 Burton End with her daughter Susannah and her husband Frederick Halls, an engine driver. She went on to reach her 80's dying in August 1920. She was buried along with her husband at Haverhill Cemetery.
(1) Suffolk Records Office, Bury St Edmunds, Parish Registers of St Mary's Church, Haverhill. Fiche 578/4/p10 of 37
(2) Birth Register. 2nd Quarter 1839, Risbridge district, Volume 12 Page 390
(3) Suffolk Records Office, Bury St Edmunds, Parish Registers of St Mary's Church, Haverhill. Fiche 578/4/p25 of 37
(4) Marriage Register. 3rd Quarter 1857, Risbridge district, Volume 4a Page 550
(5) Haverhill Cemetery, Ref.4182.
(6) Death Register. 1st Quarter 1901, Risbridge district, Volume 4a Page 680
(7) Birth Register. 3rd Quarter 1866, Risbridge district, Volume 4a Page 377
(8) Birth Register. 2nd Quarter 1869, Risbridge district, Volume 4a Page 394
(9) Birth Register. 1st Quarter 1872, Risbridge district, Volume 4a Page 446
(10) Birth Register. 2nd Quarter 1874. Risbridge district, Volume 4a Page 468
(11) Birth Register. 3rd Quarter 1877, Risbridge district, Volume 4a Page 458