Frederick Whiting 1845-1929
Parents: David Whiting and Elizabeth Buttle (1,2)
Born: 20th September 1845 in Burton End, Haverhill. (1,2)
Baptised: 12th October 1845 at St Mary's Parish Church, Haverhill.(1)
Married: Sarah Charlotte Backler, 19, spinster of Haverhill, daughter of Stephen Backler, gardener, on 24th November 1866 at St Mary's Parish Church, Haverhill. Witnessed by George Backler and Rebecca Berger(3,4)
Children: Stephen Arthur Whiting b.1867, Caroline Rebecca Whiting b.1869, Frederick Charles Whiting b.1871 died in infancy, Charles Backler Whiting b.1873 died in infancy, Martha Elizabeth Whiting b.1874, George James Whiting b.1877, Margaret Annie Whiting b.1880, Charles William Whiting b.1882, Esther Harriet Whiting b.1885 died aged 7, Ernest Albert Whiting b.1886 died aged 4, David Spencer Whiting b.1892 and Florence Edith Whiting b.1895 died aged 3.
Died: February 1929 in Barking. Buried on 21st February at Haverhill Cemetery. (6,7)
Bio: Frederick first appears on the 1851 census living in Burton End with his parents David and Elizabeth and sisters Ellen and Esther. On the next census in 1861 Frederick is still living with his parents, has quite a few brothers and sisters now, and is working as a silk winder.
Five years later he was to marry Sarah Backler, and at that time he was working as a weaver. Sarah's place of birth is given on censuses as Glamorgan, South Wales. Her parents, originally from Haverhill, had lived in Wales for a short time (see Sarah's entry). Because Frederick and Sarah had a lot of children, and most of them are listed on the baptismal register of St Mary's church, it is possible to see where Fred was living and what his occupation was at various times.
At the birth of his first child, Frederick is still living in Burton End, but his occupation is listed as labourer instead of weaver. For subsequent children up to the 1871 census he stays in Burton End, but his occupation reverts to weaver or silk weaver. At the time of this census he is in Burton end, working as a silk weaver, with Sarah working as a machinist. They have two children Stephen and Caroline. Frederick's third child Frederick Charles Whiting died aged six weeks on the 10th June 1871, the address of the family was given as Camps Road at this time.(8)
The next census in 1881 finds the family still in Burton End, but Frederick is working as a cutter at a factory (almost certainly Gurteen's, which dominated the textile industry in the town at this time) and his wife as a cotton machinist. Living with them are children (Mary) Elizabeth, (George) James and Anne.
Sometime before the next census, Frederick Whiting and family moved to 9 Duddery Road, Haverhill - 'By the 1890's most of the terraced houses that were to form the majority of local homes were built. Eden Road, Waveney Terrace, Duddery Road, Mount Road and Withersfield Road all date from this period.'(5)
So, in 1891 we find them at this address living with George, Margaret, Charles, Esther and Ernest. They also have a general servant, Mary Ann Taylor, so they must have been doing reasonably well for themselves.
They stayed at this house throughout the next decade, and on the 1901 census we find a much reduced household of just Frederick, Sarah and their son David. Fred is working as a Tailor's cutter.
Again, on the 1911 census they are at 9 Duddery Road, and they have their 8 year old granddaughter Maud Taylor living with them. Frederick is listed as a tabard cloth cutter.
Sarah died in October 1928 and when he died the next year of bronchitis, Frederick's residence is mentioned on his burial entry as being Barking. He was living there with his daughter after the death of his wife the year before. He was, however, buried at Haverhill Cemetery.
Frederick's obituary appeared in the South West Suffolk Echo of 23rd February 1929:
'Old Cricketer's Death. - The funeral took place at the Cemetery on Thursday morning of the late Mr Frederick Whiting, who will be recalled by the older generation of cricketers as a batsman of no mean ability. Deceased, who had reached the advanced age of 83 years, had an active cricket career lasting practically half-a-century, and though most of his play was on behalf of the Haverhill Town Club, he had, in his younger days, assisted a good many other clubs in the district. A native of Haverhill, he had lived all his life in the town until November last, when, following the loss of his wife, he went to reside with his daughter at Barking, and it was here that he passed away, after an attack of bronchitis. The remains were brought to Haverhill by motor hearse, and funeral at the graveside was conducted by Ensign Daws of the Salvation Army. The mourners were: - Staff Capt. James Whiting of Motherwell, Scotland (son): Mrs Taylor, of Barking (daughter): Mr Frank Whiting, of Haverhill, and Mr Jas. Whiting, of Acton (brothers); Mr Wm Taylor, of Barking (grandson); Mr A Woolsey, of Haverhill (brother-in-law). Floral tributes were sent by the following: - Staff-Capt. and Mrs Whiting and family; Mrs Taylor and family; Mrs Bailey (grand-daughter) and Mr Bailey; Mr Wm Taylor (grandson); Mr Frank Whiting; Mrs Overall, of Barking (grand-daughter)'
Thanks to Judy Stratford for the gravestone photo from Haverhill cemetery, and article about Frederick
(1) Suffolk Records Office, Bury St Edmunds, Parish Registers of St Mary's Church, Haverhill. Fiche 578/4/p11 of 37
(2) Birth Register. 4th Quarter 1845, Risbridge District, Vol 12 Page 372
(3) Marriage Register. 4th Quarter 1866, Risbridge District, Vol 4a Page 825
(4) Suffolk Records Office, Bury St Edmunds, Parish Registers of St Mary's Church, Haverhill. Fiche 578/4/p26 of 37
(6) Death Register. 1st Quarter 1929, Romford District, Vol 4a Page 956
(7) Haverhill Cemetery, Ref.4634.
(8) Bury Free Press, 17th June 1871, p.5,